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Summary of macro economic aggregates at constant(2004-05) prices, 1950-51 to 2013-14. 3. State Domestic Product and other aggregates, 2004-05 series. Sep 15, 2021. Handbook of Statistics on the Indian Economy, 2020-21 (Note: To obtain the tables in Excel file format, please access the Real Time HandbookRead the latest chapters of Handbook of Economic Growth at ScienceDirect.com, Elsevier's leading platform of peer-reviewed Pages 1-1060, I1-I46 (2005). The Handbook of Economic Growth, edited by Philippe Aghion and Steven Durlauf, with an introduction by Robert Solow, features in-depth, authoritative survey The Handbook of Economic Growth, edited by Philippe Aghion and Steven Durlauf, with an introduction by Robert Solow, features in-depth, authoritative survey PPP GDP weights from the WEO database are used for the aggregation of real GDP growth, real non-oil GDP growth, real per capita GDP growth, investment, Volume 1, Part Bpp. 1061 - 1822 • 2005. Volume 1, Part App. 1 - 1060 • 2005. Chapters. Latest published; Most downloaded. EditorialFull text access
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