Optional form 1164 instructions
of 1164 guidance
local voucher form 1164optional form 1164 (rev. 11/2017)
sf 1164 form
optional form 1164 fillable
standard form 1164
of 1164 form
of 1164 example
Instructions for Completing Optional Form 1164. Claim for Reimbursement for Training Expenditures on Official Business. 1. General Guidance. These instructions were developed for specific agencies of the USDA, currently APHIS and GIPSA. If you work for an agency other than APHIS or GIPSA, please OPTIONAL FORM 1164 (REV. 11/2017). 8. This claim is approved. Long distance telephone calls, if shown, are certified as necessary in the interest of the Instructions for Completing Claim for Reimbursement. Standard Form 1164. 1. General Guidance a) Transportation Subsidy Participants must submit a Claim for INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING OPTIONAL FORM 1164. CLAIM FOR REIMBURSEMENT FOR EXPENDITURES ON OFFICIAL BUSINESS. (MISSING MEALS STATEMENT). General Guidance:. ** Optional fees or fees not directly related to course enrollment or your program of study are not reimbursable. The OF1164 field numbers 1 and 4 are self- Form: OF1164. Claim for Reimbursement OF1164-17b.pdf [PDF - 853 KB ] This is a list of optional government forms that start with the letters "OF". optional-form-1164.pdf (1.1 MB). DOT is committed to ensuring that information is available in appropriate alternative formats to meet the requirements ofRelated searches to Optional Form 1164 Claim For Reimbursement For GSA gov. optional form 1164 instructions. sf 1164 form. dd form 1164 instructions.
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